Monday, 13 September 2010


The border crossing from Chile to Argentina was a long, hard, COLD experience. First our bus was lined up for an hour. Then we were finally hushed out of the bus only to stand for 1 hour in a immigration queue in about 0 degrees! It was snowing. We still don’t have winter coats. After we got our stamps we had to wait for another 20 minutes while they searched through our bags. It was so cold!! The bus ride itself was very beautiful though. We saw tall, beautiful mountains and we even saw a couple of ski resorts.


It was really nice to arrive in Mendoza on the same day as we left Chile. We almost always travel on night buses these days, so 8 hours on a bus seemed like a luxury. I love the movie Evita, and I had always wanted to go to Argentina. Finally I could sing all the songs and and prentend that I was in a musical.

In Mendoza we decided to do a wine tour. We got to go to two wineries, I olive/chocolate place and one winery where they made Grappa. All the wine was very good. They didn’t give us much of it though! Malbec is a type of wine that famously good in this region. It was amazing. We bought a great wine from the local winery, and drank it with our very rare steaks that we had for dinner. We have discovered that cooking meat is an art that we have not yet mastered. Does anyone know how many minutes it takes to cook a medium steak?

Buenos Aires
The bus from Mendoza to Buenos Aires was AMAZING! We went with a company called CATA, and we had a luxury bus. All the seats had a TV. The seats could decline to an almost vertical position! The food was great on the bus. When it was time for dinner they brought out a tray with a lot of different types of cold food. Matt and I were wondering how we would be able to eat all of it. Shortly after they brought us hot food! Steaks! And we even got dessert. It was like being on a plane. Did I mention that we drank free wine?

Buenos Aires is a cool city. We went to an antique market. The shopper in me really wanted to buy some old brooches, but the flies in my wallet said that it wouldn’t be a great idea. In general Buenos Aires seems to be a Mecca for shoppers.
The leather shoes are gorgeous! I felt like I was the most masculine woman in Buenos Aires. The other women all looked so cute and feminine with their long, curly hear and leather gear.

Unfortunately, I got sick in Buenos Aires. I have been coughing like a mad person for 8 days. It is really interrupting my sleep (and Matt’s sleep). My immune system is obviously not doing its job!!

What else can I say about Buenos Aires? We went on a free walking tour one day. It was a really good way to see parts of the city. We also got out hair cut by a stylist called Ryan Oakley. He was very entertaining and obviously he is a genius when it comes to hair. If anyone is going to BA I suggest that you squeeze in an appointment with him. It is worth it!

Our flight from BA to Sydney was wonderful! We flew with Qantas and the food was sooo good! We also had a great choice of videos. Although, I do regret watching half of Sex and the City 2 because it was really as bad as they say!!

We have actually been in New Zealand for a few days now. Tony and Dawn are being so good to us! We will update the blog with posts for Sydney and New Zealand very shortly! We are in Christchurch, and yes, we have felt the earth move more than once!

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