Sunday, 23 May 2010


Our flight on Friday went by so much quicker than we imagined it would! I didn't even sleep on the plane. However, that was actually not a vey good idea. We arrived in the US at 7 (which is 1am GMT). We had to wait 1 hour until they let us through security. And after that we started on our 2 hour journey to Brooklyn. When finally met up with Cassie we were like to zombies. It was so great to see her though! We are staying in her sister's apartment. It is the most artistic place I have ever seen.

Yesterday (Sat) we woke up at 6 in the morning. We had bagels for brekfast because Matt has been going on and on about how heavenly bagels are. They were good, but I don't really see what he was on about. So now we have a mission to find heavenly bagels so he can prove to me that such bagels exist.

I think we walked for 10 hours yesterday. We basically walked EVERYWHERE! We managed to find the magnolia bakery.. MMMM!

Matt's day was made when we saw a Jeff Koon puppy in an office building. We were allowed to go in to take photos of it.

In general I think the NY is really nice. There are a lot of things to do here, so I am sure that we will have two really busy days until we travel down to Ellwood. We are just getting ready to leave the flat now. More adventures are calling us


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